Yes, thanks for your words of inspiration and levity. I guess I have been on the merry go round, but perhaps like John Lennon, trying to save the world and it’s too prevalent negativity from itself with my art and creativity. It’s a battle without a win, considering my circumstances, but what constitutes a win; paying too much attention to that which brings me down?

Feeling very pensive, I went up in front of our rehab building last night, and saw out on the patio there were several bowling pins laying on the pavement, and my mind went to Michael Moore’s ‘Bowling for Columbine” [There had also been another mass killing in Dadeville, AL outside of Montgomery] and like a Sunday artist-preacher, I framed a photo with our participant art workshop paintings, and in the background the bowling pins there laying on the ground still and dead. The caption of the photo was “Will they ever learn?” Or maybe there’s a better caption.

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